[ + ]A Google note
Title | A Google note |
Description | Entering your search terms plus “environmental journal” (e.g. energy environmental journal) into the search box can yield relevant results. You can also do the same search directly on Google Scholar. |
URL | http://www.google.com |
[ + ]Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy (AJELP)
Title | Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy (AJELP) |
Description | AJELP, at the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona, is an “interdisciplinary online publication that examines environmental issues from legal, scientific, economic, and public policy perspectives.” AJELP welcomes submissions addressing environmental justice issues. The site includes the symposium and current issue, a blog, comments, and archived articles dating back to 2010 (the inaugural issue). You can also browse articles by topic. |
URL | http://www.ajelp.com/ |
[ + ]Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review
Title | Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review |
Description | The Environmental Affairs Law Review site includes the last current issue (2018) as well as archived issues dating back to 1971. In 2017, the journal, along with three others were consolidated into a single, larger journal published as the Boston College Law Review. You can use the Search bar to look for articles on specific topics in all issues or in a particular issue of the journal. |
URL | http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/ealr/ |
[ + ]Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum
Title | Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum |
Description | The Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum is a joint publication of the University’s Law School, the Nicholas School for the Environment, and Terry Sanford Institute for Public Policy. The journal draws on legal, economic, scientific, and public policy resources to promote an interdisciplinary approach to examining environmental issues. The site includes the current issue as well as archived articles dating back to 1991. You can use the Search bar to look for articles on specific topics. |
URL | http://delpf.law.duke.edu/ |
[ + ]Ecology Law Quarterly (ELQ)
Title | Ecology Law Quarterly (ELQ) |
Description | ELQ, produced by Berkeley Law Students, was first published in 1971. The journal features scholarship on environmental law topics such as environmental justice, international environmental law, and renewable energy. The site includes a “currents” heading consisting of short-form commentary and analysis on timely environmental law issues falling under a range of topics including endangered species, animal law, energy, sustainable farming, forestry, etc. You can sign up for ELQ’s email newsletter. |
URL | http://www.ecologylawquarterly.org/ |
[ + ]Electronic Green Journal (EGJ)
Title | Electronic Green Journal (EGJ) |
Description | EGJ, published by the UCLA library, is a peer-reviewed digital journal providing access to scholarly information concerning international environmental information. Topics include environmental protection, conservation, management of natural resources, and ecologically balanced regional development. The site includes the current issue as well as archived articles dating back to 1994. You can search by keyword. |
URL | http://escholarship.org/uc/uclalib_egj |
[ + ]eScholarship (University of California)
Title | eScholarship (University of California) |
Description | eScholarship is hosted by the University of California and provides scholarly publishing and repository services enabling departments, research groups, and individuals to have direct control over the creation and dissemination of scholarship. eScholarship publishes over 80 academic journals spanning multiple disciplines, with a focus on emerging fields. The eScholarship database is a free collection of journals, electronic theses, dissertations, and research articles written by students and staff at any of the 10 University of California campuses. eScholarship offers publishing and production tools, including professional support, consulting services, and a full editorial and peer review system. Enter a search term and filter results by discipline, date, department, type of work, etc. |
URL | https://escholarship.org |
[ + ]Georgetown Environmental Law Review (GERL)
Title | Georgetown Environmental Law Review (GERL) |
Description | GERL covers a board range of environmental issues including climate change, renewables, environmental international law and policy, and human rights. GERL publishes weekly articles published by the Environmental Law Review Syndicate (ELRS), as part of a collaborative effort between leading environmental law reviews. Researchers can access “in-print” articles, editorials, and features. |
URL | http://gelr.org/ |
[ + ]Harvard Environmental Law Review (HELR)
Title | Harvard Environmental Law Review (HELR) |
Description | HELR is published semi-annually and covers a broad range of environmental law topics. The website has articles dating back to 2003, a blog, forum, and weekly articles published by the Environmental Law Review Syndicate (ELRS), as part of a collaborative effort between leading environmental law reviews. You can use the search bar to research specific topics across the site. |
URL | http://harvardelr.com/ |
[ + ]Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law
Title | Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law |
Description | he Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law is published biannually at Florida State University College of Law. The site includes the current issue as well as previous articles dating back to 1994. |
URL | https://law.fsu.edu/journals-and-advocacy-teams/jluel |
[ + ]Lewis & Clark Environmental Law Review
Title | Lewis & Clark Environmental Law Review |
Description | Lewis & Clark Environmental Law Review Includes the current issue as well as archived articles dating back to 1995. The site also features summaries of select cases in the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals and links to the opinion. |
URL | https://law.lclark.edu/law_reviews/environmental_law/ |
[ + ]Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law (MJEAL)
Title | Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law (MJEAL) |
Description | MJEAL publishes pieces on all aspects of environmental and administrative law. The website has all MJEAL issues available, dating back to its first volume in 2012, a blog, and reviews of recent cases. |
URL | http://www.mjeal-online.org/ |
[ + ]New York University Environmental Law Journal (ELJ)
Title | New York University Environmental Law Journal (ELJ) |
Description | ELJ Looks at the intersection between society, nature, and science. The website has issues dating back to 1991. The ELJ website also hosts a blog. |
URL | http://www.nyuelj.org/ |
[ + ]Oregon Law Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (JELL)
[ + ]Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR)
Title | Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) |
Description | The PELR site includes the current issue as well as archived articles dating back to 1983. You can use the Search bar to look for articles on specific environmental law topics such as energy, natural resources, and international law. |
URL | http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/pelr/ |
[ + ]Stanford Environmental Law Journal (SELJ)
Title | Stanford Environmental Law Journal (SELJ) |
Description | SELJ publishes articles in natural resource law, environmental policy, international environmental law, and other environmental law areas. Topics include hazardous waste, energy development, and natural resource conservation. The website has articles dating back to 2011 and weekly articles published by the Environmental Law Review Syndicate (ELRS), as part of a collaborative effort between leading environmental law reviews. |
URL | http://journals.law.stanford.edu/stanford-environmental-law-journal-elj |
[ + ]Tulane Environmental Law Journal
Title | Tulane Environmental Law Journal |
Description | Scroll down to “Environmental Law Journals” for a list of environmental law and policy journals. The site also provides links to other environmental law resources, as well as articles published by the Tulane Environmental Law Journal. |
URL | http://www.law.tulane.edu/tlsjournals/enviro/index.aspx?id=4304 |
[ + ]UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (JELP)
[ + ]Vermont Journal of Environmental Law (VJEL)
Title | Vermont Journal of Environmental Law (VJEL) |
Description | VJEL is the environmental law journal at Vermont Law School. VJEL publishes articles on contemporary environmental legal issues of local, national, and international importance. The site includes the current and archived issues, features an EcoPerspectives blog, the annual Vermont Law Top 10 Environmental Watch List, and information about VJEL’s annual symposium. |
URL | http://vjel.vermontlaw.edu/ |
[ + ]Virginia Environmental Law Journal
Title | Virginia Environmental Law Journal |
Description | The Virginia Environmental Law Journal, at the University of Virginia School of Law, publishes biannual volumes and articles related to current environmental topics. The site includes both current and archived articles, dating back to 1989. |
URL | http://www.velj.org/ |
[ + ]William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review
Title | William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review |
Description | The Environmental Law and Policy Review at William & Mary Law School focuses on current environmental law topics and resulting policy implications. The site includes both the current issue and archived articles dating back to 1975. Researchers can also use the Search Bar to look for articles on particular topics. |
URL | http://scholarship.law.wm.edu/wmelpr/ |