[ + ]Agency for International Development (USAID)
Title | Agency for International Development (USAID) |
Description | USAID’s Climate Change and Environment, Energy, and Infrastructure work focuses on issues including agriculture and food systems, climate change, energy, conserving biodiversity and forests, sustainable urbanization, land tenure and property rights, etc. Resources include program descriptions, strategies, news, fact sheets, manuals, articles, and case studies. |
URL | http://www.usaid.gov/what-we-do/environment-and-global-climate-change |
[ + ]Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Title | Agricultural Research Service (ARS) |
Description | ARS is a sub-division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and acts as the Department’s research agency. ARS’s mission is to deliver “scientific solutions to national and global agricultural challenges.” This source provides databases, national programs, news, press releases, and research projects. Click on “Research” in the Menu bar to search ARS’s research projects. |
URL | https://www.ars.usda.gov/ |
[ + ]Congressional Research Service Reports: Environmental Reports
Title | Congressional Research Service Reports: Environmental Reports |
Description | CRS reports are well-researched, in-depth reports prepared for Congress. EveryCRSReport.com posts thousands of CRS reports on environmental and related topics. Use the Search Box or Browse by Topic. Topics include: Agricultural Policy, Energy Policy, Environmental Policy, and others. |
URL | https://www.everycrsreport.com/ |
[ + ]Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
Title | Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) |
Description | The CEQ coordinates federal environmental efforts and works closely with agencies and White House officials to develop environmental policies and initiatives. Resources include News, blogs, guidance documents, executive orders, regulations, and descriptions of current CEQ initiatives.? |
URL | http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/ceq |
[ + ]Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Title | Department of Agriculture (USDA) |
Description | The USDA is a federal department made up of 29 agencies that provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management. USDA’s work covers a wide variety of topic areas including: animals; biotechnology, climate solutions, conservation, data, natural disasters, farming, food and nutrition, forestry, health and safety, organic, plants, recreation, research and science, rural, trade, and urban agriculture. The site’s resources include bills, guidance documents, regulations, administrative orders, statutes, judicial decisions, blogs, reports, news, photos, videos, fact sheets, speeches, and newsletters. The USDA website also includes a portal for loans and grants, and an AskUSDA portal to submit questions. |
URL | http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/usdahome |
[ + ]Department of Agriculture: Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Title | Department of Agriculture: Farm Service Agency (FSA) |
Description | The FSA facilitates agricultural programs for farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners. This agency is responsible for farm loan programs, farm programs, and field operations. Click “programs & services” to view the FSA’s different financial support programs and other resources. This source offers laws and regulations, news, online services, reports, and websites. |
URL | https://www.fsa.usda.gov |
[ + ]Department of Agriculture: Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
Title | Department of Agriculture: Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) |
Description | The FNS offers nutrition assistance programs to “ensure children, income eligible individuals, and families have equitable access to healthy, safe, and affordable foods that promote optimal health and well-being.” This source provides data and research, guidance documents and fact sheets, grant information, legislation, policy memos, regulations, and videos. |
URL | https://www.fns.usda.gov |
[ + ]Department of Agriculture: Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
Title | Department of Agriculture: Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) |
Description | FSIS is responsible for carrying out the Federal Meat Inspection Act, Poultry Products Inspection Act, Egg Products Inspection Act and the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. FSIS main goal is to “protect[ ] the public’s health by ensuring that meat, poultry, and egg products are safe, wholesome and properly labeled.” This source provides information on food safety, science and data, policy, and inspection. Click “policy” to find information on legislation, FSIS guidelines, as well as developing petitions and rulemaking. |
URL | https://www.fsis.usda.gov |
[ + ]Department of Agriculture: National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Title | Department of Agriculture: National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) |
Description | The NIFA is a federal agency that “administers federal funding to address the agricultural issues impacting people’s daily lives and the nation’s future.” This source offers grant and funding, as well as data resources. The NIFA provides resources for topics such as: farms and ranches, ecology issues, health and science, and the future of farming. |
URL | https://www.nifa.usda.gov |
[ + ]Department of Agriculture: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Title | Department of Agriculture: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) |
Description | NRCS provides farmers and ranchers financial and technical assistance to make conservation improvements on their land. The NRCS site contains information on a variety of topics, such as land use, soils, water, air, plants and animals, energy, and climate change. Useful resources on the website include: congressional testimony, fact sheets, data, maps, news, photos, blogs, videos, and databases all related to agriculture and conservation. |
URL | http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/ |
[ + ]Department of Energy (DOE)
Title | Department of Energy (DOE) |
Description | The United States DOE ensures America’s security and prosperity using transformative science and technology solutions to address its energy, environmental, and nuclear challenges. DOE programs relate to vehicles, manufacturing, home weatherization, energy efficiency, climate change, and renewable energy. The department hosts a variety of offices, including those related to Indian energy policy and programs, advanced research, loan programs, environmental management, legacy management, fossil energy, nuclear energy, and electricity delivery and reliability. The Agency organizes its online content into the following categories: Public Services, Science & Innovation, Energy Saver, About Energy.gov, and Offices. Users may also search the entire site using the search box |
URL | http://www.energy.gov |
[ + ]Department of Energy: Office of Environmental Management (EM)
Title | Department of Energy: Office of Environmental Management (EM) |
Description | The EM’s mission is “to address the nation’s Cold War environmental legacy resulting from five decades of nuclear weapons production and government-sponsored nuclear energy research.” The EM is responsible for environmental clean-up and managing nuclear materials. This source offers acquisition information, news, policy and guidance information, and safety standards. |
URL | https://www.energy.gov/em/office-environmental-management |
[ + ]Department of Energy: Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM)
Title | Department of Energy: Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) |
Description | The FECM is in charge of “Federal research, development, and demonstration efforts on advancing technologies to meet [ ] climate goals and minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuel use.” The FECM also manages the US’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve. |
URL | https://www.energy.gov/fecm/office-fossil-energy-and-carbon-management |
[ + ]Department of Justice: Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD)
Title | Department of Justice: Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) |
Description | ENRD of the DOJ prosecutes violators of federal environmental laws and defends challenges to federal environmental programs and activities. The ENRD is comprised of several sections: Natural Resources, Appellate, Environmental Enforcement, Environmental Defense, Environmental Crimes, Indian Resources, Land Acquisition, Law and Policy, Natural Resources, and Wildlife and Marine Resources. Resources on the site include press releases, cases, policy statements, Congressional hearings, fact sheets, and speeches. |
URL | http://www.justice.gov/enrd/index.html |
[ + ]Department of the Interior (DOI)
Title | Department of the Interior (DOI) |
Description | DOI “protects and manages the Nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage; provides scientific and other information about those resources; and honors its trust responsibilities or special commitments to American Indians, Alaska Natives, and affiliated Island Communities cultures and tribal communities.” DOI manages our nation’s “lands, water, wildlife, and energy resources.” The website provides relevant news, videos, photos, speeches, memoranda, Congressional testimony, and editorials. |
URL | http://www.doi.gov/ |
[ + ]Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Title | Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) |
Description | The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages 245 million acres of public land access across the United States, focusing on activities such as energy development, fire management, grazing, planning, recreation, and conservation. The BLM Library provides access to scientific literature, online resources, agency publications, and subject guides. The website also features reports, statistics, fact sheets, maps, land records, and administrative orders. |
URL | http://www.blm.gov |
[ + ]Department of the Interior: National Park Service (NPS)
Title | Department of the Interior: National Park Service (NPS) |
Description | NPS administers the national park system, which includes 423 parks, 602 natural landmarks, 2,600 historic landmarks, 43,162 miles of shoreline, 55 heritage areas, and 88 million acres of land and water. NPS’s website provides relevant public laws and regulations, statutes, executive orders, director’s orders, guidance documents, statistics, databases, reports, fact sheets, newsletters, photos and videos, archaeology and maps. Additionally, NPS’s website also includes updates to NPS units. |
URL | http://www.nps.gov/index.htm |
[ + ]Department of the Interior: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Title | Department of the Interior: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) |
Description | USGS provides scientific information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, natural hazards, natural resources, climate change, and land use. The USGS’s website provides relevant statutes, public laws, reports, news, speeches, photos, videos, podcasts, data, articles, books, and websites related to topics including carbon sequestration, coastal areas, energy, floods and droughts, fisheries, hazards, invasive species, mineral resources, water resources, and wildlife. |
URL | http://www.usgs.gov/ |
[ + ]Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Title | Energy Information Administration (EIA) |
Description | U.S. EIA provides independent and impartial statistical data and analysis related to energy, the economy, and the environment. Topics include analysis & projections, markets & finance, environment, petroleum & other liquids, coal, natural gas, renewable & alternative fuels, nuclear & uranium, electricity, consumption & efficiency, and total energy. Users can browse different mapping tools, including: U.S. states, regional maps, international, and other maps (see e.g., the U.S. Energy Atlas). The site contains resources such as energy outlooks, factsheets, data points, maps, tables, and reports. |
URL | http://www.eia.gov/ |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Title | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Description | The U.S. EPA’s mission is, simply put, to protect human health and the environment. The EPA’s website provides resources on broad topics and specialized databases. Use the “Environmental Topics” menu or go directly to “Laws & Regulations” to explore databases, related laws and regulations, compliance and enforcement information, policies, and guidance. |
URL | http://www.epa.gov |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: EIS Database
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: Energy Star
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: Energy Star |
Description | Energy Star is a government-backed standard for energy efficiency that was established by the EPA. Energy Star offers resources and tools for the private sector, public sector, and residential sector. This source provides energy use and renovation guides, news, product information, publications, reports. |
URL | https://www.energystar.gov |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO)
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) |
Description | ECHO is a database containing permit data, inspection dates and filings, violations, enforcement actions, and penalties assessed for about 800,000 regulated facilities. This tool also contains administrative orders, cases, permit data, violations, enforcement actions, maps, etc. Click data services and select one of the download dataset options for data reports. |
URL | http://echo.epa.gov/ |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) |
Description | EPA’s NSCEP is a database of free EPA print and online documents. Use the “Fields Search” option to find documents by author, publisher, subject, and date. This source contains reports, guidance documents, newsletters, and books. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/nscep |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: Science Inventory
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: Science Inventory |
Description | The EPA Science Inventory is a database of scientific research, mostly from the EPA Office of Research and Development covering a large number of focus areas from air to sustainability to water.
This source contains books, data, articles, newsletters, reports, fact sheets, databases, maps, videos, and presentations. |
URL | http://cfpub.epa.gov/si/ |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: Toxics Releases Inventory (TRI) Program
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: Toxics Releases Inventory (TRI) Program |
Description | EPA’s TRI program tracks emissions, spills, and discharges of certain toxic chemicals from industrial sectors.
Click TRI Resources > “TRI Data and Tools” to search the TRI databases. Click “TRI Pollution Prevention” (or “P2” tools) to see how different industries have reduced their toxic releases. Use the “TRI Toxics Tracker” to see TRI data near your location. Click “TRI Explorer” or “Envirofacts” for comprehensive, advanced search options. Information about TRI, statutes, regulations, executive orders, and proposed rulemakings. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/toxics-release-inventory-tri-program |
[ + ]Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Title | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) |
Description | FERC, an independent Commission of the executive branch of the U.S. government, regulates interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC also reviews proposals to build liquefied natural gas terminals and interstate natural gas pipelines, and licenses hydropower projects. Topics include electric, oil, hydropower, and natural gas. FERC’s Legal Resources tab provides access to documents and filings, legal resources, market oversight, federal statutes, major orders and regulations, administrative litigation alternative dispute resolution resources, memoranda of understanding, and staff reports and papers. Additional resources include a glossary of terms and acronyms, enforcement resources, market reports and analyses, market snapshots, events, and guides. |
URL | http://www.ferc.gov/ |
[ + ]Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS)
Title | Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) |
Description | FWS is a bureau within the Department of the Interior that enforces federal wildlife laws, protects endangered species, manages migratory birds, restores nationally significant fisheries, helps foreign governments with conservation efforts, and provides funding to State fish and wildlife agencies. Users can browse through extensive information including species maps, photos, videos, reports, fact sheets, data, news, guidance documents, statutes, regulations, proposed rulemakings, treaties, articles, newsletters, and Congressional testimony. |
URL | http://www.fws.gov/ |
[ + ]Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Title | Food & Drug Administration (FDA) |
Description | The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health, and uses laws and regulations to ensure the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs and biological products. This site contains regulatory information, FDA program information, recalls and alerts, approvals and clearances, etc. Topic areas include Guidance and Nutrition, Labeling & Nutrition, and Compliance & Enforcement. Resources cover labeling and nutrition, ingredients and packaging, food defense, compliance and enforcement, chemicals metals and pesticides in food, and dietary supplements. The site also offers webinars, meetings, publications, and constituent updates. |
URL | https://www.fda.gov/default.htm |
[ + ]Forest Service (USFS)
Title | Forest Service (USFS) |
Description | The USFS’s mission is “to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.” The USFS manages 154 national forests and 20 national grasslands. Users can access blogs, congressional testimony, handbooks, maps, news, project descriptions, regulations, reports, and statutes. |
URL | https://www.fs.usda.gov/ |
[ + ]Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Title | Government Accountability Office (GAO) |
Description | The GAO is an independent, nonpartisan agency that investigates how the federal government spends tax dollars to help improve performance and ensure accountability. This website offers blogs, guidance documents, podcasts, regulations, reports, and websites. Click “View Topics” to find GAO reports and multimedia related to Agriculture, Energy, Transportation, and Natural Resources and Environment. |
URL | http://www.gao.gov/ |
[ + ]House of Representatives: Natural Resources Committee
Title | House of Representatives: Natural Resources Committee |
Description | The House Natural Resources Committee considers legislation relating to energy production, fisheries and wildlife, irrigation and reclamation, mineral lands and mining, Native Americans, oceans, and public lands. This website offers bills; Committee hearings, reports, and votes; news, speeches, summaries of the Committee's issues; photos; and videos. |
URL | http://naturalresources.house.gov/ |
[ + ]House of Representatives: Committee on Energy & Commerce
Title | House of Representatives: Committee on Energy & Commerce |
Description | The House Committee on Energy and Commerce considers legislation relating to climate change, consumer protection, energy policy, environmental quality, food and drug safety, interstate and foreign commerce, public health research, and telecommunications. The Committee oversees the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Trade Commission, Indian Health Service, etc. The Committee legislates on a variety of issues, such as environmental protection, motor vehicle safety, nuclear facilities, and renewable energy & conservation. Resources include summaries of Committee issues, hearings and votes; bills; blogs; fact sheets; podcasts; photos; news; and videos. |
URL | http://energycommerce.house.gov/ |
[ + ]National Agricultural Library (NAL)
Title | National Agricultural Library (NAL) |
Description | The National Agricultural Library (NAL) is one of the world's richest and largest collections devoted to agriculture and related sciences. Users can find topics listed under the Collections menu. Topics can also be searched in the NAL Catalog or PubAg for journal articles. The Catalog contains over 3.5 million items of agriculture literature. Topics include agricultural law, animals and livestock, farms and farm systems, and invasive species. There are numerous resources available, many of which are full-text reports, data, research, books, articles, and government information. Other resources include AGRICOLA; Digital Commons; Ag Data Commons; Nutrition.gov; and LCA Commons. NAL also invites the general public to ask a question. |
URL | http://www.nal.usda.gov/ |
[ + ]National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Title | National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
Description | The NIH is the medical research agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is divided into 27 Institutes and Centers, including the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). The NIEHS page has information on many topics, such as air pollution, dioxins, endocrine disrupters, hazardous waste, lead, ozone, pesticides, and water pollution. Newsletters, fact sheets, news, reports, guidance documents, videos, photos, and websites. |
URL | http://www.nih.gov/ |
[ + ]National Institutes of Health: U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Title | National Institutes of Health: U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) |
Description | The NLM is the world’s largest biomedical library. The NLM offers a vast collection of print and electronic resources, and “supports and conducts research, development, and training in biomedical informatics and health information technology.” The site features public databases of biomedical and public health resources. Articles, books, data, journals, maps, medical dictionary, news, and videos. |
URL | http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ |
[ + ]Regulations.gov
Title | Regulations.gov |
Description | Regulations.gov is a platform to search and comment on proposed federal regulations and view related documents. This source provides proposed and final rules, adjudications, and related documents such as scientific and technical findings, guidance documents, and comments. Users can search by keyword, agency, date, and document type. Users can also browse by topic. Click “FAQ” then “Rulemaking Process” for an overview of the rulemaking process. |
URL | http://www.regulations.gov/#!home |
[ + ]Senate: Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry
Title | Senate: Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry |
Description | The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry considers bills related to agricultural policies. It is comprised of five sub-committees: Commodities, Risk Management, and Trade; Rural Development and Energy; Conservation, Climate, Forestry, and Natural Resources; Food and Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Organics, and Research; and Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Local Food Systems, and Food Safety and Security. Resources include news, committee hearings, legislative text (including bills), committee reports, hearing transcripts, and statutory compilations of federal agriculture laws. |
URL | http://www.agriculture.senate.gov/ |
[ + ]Senate: Committee on Energy & Natural Resources
Title | Senate: Committee on Energy & Natural Resources |
Description | The Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources considers legislation related to “energy resources and development, including regulation, conservation, strategic petroleum reserves and appliance standards; nuclear energy; Indian affairs; public lands and their renewable resources; surface mining, Federal coal, oil, and gas, other mineral leasing; territories and insular possessions; and water resources.” It is comprised of four subcommittees: Energy; National Parks; Public Lands, Forests, and Mining; and Water and Power. This source contains committee hearings (including bills), fact sheets, letters, news, reports, speeches, and websites. |
URL | http://energy.senate.gov |
[ + ]Senate: Committee on Environment & Public Works
Title | Senate: Committee on Environment & Public Works |
Description | The Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works considers legislation related to pollution, transportation, nonmilitary nuclear power, wildlife, public buildings, and environmental policy. This source offers blogs, committee hearings, legislation (including bills), news, reports, and speeches. |
URL | http://www.epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Home.Home |
[ + ]U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE)
Title | U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) |
Description | USACE Environmental Program focuses on restoring degraded ecosystems, constructing sustainable facilities, managing natural resources, regulating waterways, and cleaning up contaminated sites from past military activities. The site provides regulations, public laws, guidance documents, newsletters, program descriptions, news archives, fact sheets, maps and charts, press releases, videos, and links to related websites. |
URL | http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/Environmental.aspx |