[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: Region 1 (New England)
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: Region 1 (New England) |
Description | Region 1 of the Environmental Protection Agency includes the New England states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and ten Tribal Nations.
The site contains an A-Z index of environmental issues in New England, such as air quality, brownfields, climate change, drinking water, environmental justice, pesticides, and wetlands. It also features permitting information for programs like air, stormwater, and Superfund. Reports, regulations, news, events, newsletters, data, videos, and educational materials. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/epa-region-1-new-england |
[ + ]Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, & Markets (VAAFM)
Title | Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, & Markets (VAAFM) |
Description | The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, & Markets is a state agency that facilitates and supports “the growth and viability of agriculture in Vermont.” The agency works to protect the working landscape, the environment, and human, animal, and plant health.
Topic areas include administration, agricultural development, the agricultural and environmental laboratory, food safety, public health and resource management, water quality, animal health, land use and renewable energy, etc. Resources include regulations, statutes, license and registration information, news, and events. |
URL | http://agriculture.vermont.gov |
[ + ]Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR)
Title | Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) |
Description | The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) has three departments: the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the Department of Fish and Wildlife (FWD), and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR).
Resources: Reports, rules, news, events, maps, guidance documents, educational resources, regulations, and links to related state agencies and federal agencies with a presence in Vermont. Click “Finding Info” then “Alphabetical Topic Index” for a listing of topics covered by ANR and its Departments, linked to the applicable program website. |
URL | http://www.anr.state.vt.us/ |
[ + ]Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI)
Title | Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI) |
Description | The Center’s mission is to provide the public with “geospatial data, services, and geographic information system (GIS) infrastructure.” The Center collects data from three statewide programs: the Vermont parcels program, imagery program, and lidar program. The Center provides free access to Vermont-specific GIS data and other tools. |
URL | https://vcgi.vermont.gov/ |
[ + ]Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Title | Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) |
Description | The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is part of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. The DEC manages water and air quality, regulates solid and hazardous wastes, and administers different voluntary pollution and waste reduction programs.
This source contains information on regulations, statutes, permits, maps, publications, and additional resources. Click “Laws and Regulations” for information regarding the source, subject, administrator, and effective date, of specific regulations. |
URL | https://dec.vermont.gov/ |
[ + ]Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR)
Title | Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR) |
Description | The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR) is part of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. FPR is responsible for the conservation and management of Vermont’s forest resources, the operation and maintenance of the State Park system, and the promotion and support of outdoor recreation. FPR is also responsible for acquiring and administering all Agency of Natural Resources lands.
This site provides information on forestry, state parks and lands, and conservation education. Maps, fact sheets, reports, guides, policies, regulations, and events. |
URL | http://www.vtfpr.org/ |
[ + ]Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department
Title | Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department |
Description | The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (FWD) is part of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. FWD’s mission is "the conservation of fish, wildlife[,] and plants and their habitats for the people of Vermont." FWD has five divisions: Business & Licensing, Fish, Outreach, Wildlife, and Warden Services.
Click “Hunting & Trapping Regulations” under the “Hunt” drop-down menu then the “Vermont Guide to Hunting and Trapping Laws.” For fishing regulations, click “Fishing Regulations” under the “Fish” drop-down menu for the “Vermont Guide to Fishing Regulations.” Events, reports, fact sheets, newsletters, photos, videos, maps, and websites. |
URL | http://www.vtfishandwildlife.com/ |
[ + ]Vermont Natural Resources Board (NRB)
Title | Vermont Natural Resources Board (NRB) |
Description | The Vermont Natural Resources Board (NRB) is an independent Executive Branch entity overseeing the administration of Vermont Act 250, Vermont’s land use statute. Act 250 aims to minimize the environmental impacts of development. The NRB issues and enforces rules and policies related to and enforcing Act 250and provides resources about its purpose, history and permit application process. |
URL | http://www.nrb.state.vt.us/ |
[ + ]Vermont Superior Court – Environmental Division
Title | Vermont Superior Court – Environmental Division |
Description | The Environmental Division of the Vermont Superior Court hears appeals from state land use permit decisions (ACT 250), environmental permits, decisions from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, and municipal zoning and land use enforcement actions. This source offers Environmental Division opinions, rules, forms, fees, and mediation information. |
URL | http://www.vermontjudiciary.org/gtc/environmental/default.aspx |