[ + ]Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Title | Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies |
Description | This association represents North America's fish and wildlife agencies on Capitol Hill and offers programs to member agencies that advance sound, science-based management of fish and wildlife and their habitats. The site includes press releases, agency and best-practice memos, and career opportunities. Click on “Focus Areas” for information on a variety of policy priorities, including links to legislation or other related documents. |
URL | https://www.fishwildlife.org/ |
[ + ]Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America (CEC)
Title | Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America (CEC) |
Description | CEC has three members: Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The CEC addresses regional environmental concerns and facilitates collaboration and public while increasing economic, trade, and social links among CEC member countries. The "Publications" section provides annual reports, project publications, background papers, news, and publications in English, French, and Spanish. |
URL | http://www.cec.org/ |
[ + ]European Commission - Environment Directorate - General
Title | European Commission - Environment Directorate - General |
Description | The Directorate-General for Environment proposes and implements new environmental policy, ensures that Member States apply European Union (EU) environmental law correctly, and represents the EU in environmental matters at international meetings. Navigate to "Environment" and select “Policies” to access links to EU policies and documents on a range of environmental topics. The site also links to news, statistics, publications, and reports. |
URL | http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/environment/index_en.htm |
[ + ]European Environment Agency (EEA)
Title | European Environment Agency (EEA) |
Description | EEA is an agency of the European Union that provides independent, timely, and reliable information on the environment to policymaking agents and the public. EEA collaborates with the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) to gather and distribute environmental information from individual countries to further environmental management and policymaking goals in Europe. This site includes publications, country reports, data, maps, graphs, and a multi-lingual glossary. |
URL | http://www.eea.europa.eu/ |
[ + ]European Union – Policy Areas - Environment
Title | European Union – Policy Areas - Environment |
Description | This site provides an overview of the EU’s main environmental priorities: protecting natural capital, safeguarding the health and well-being of European Union inhabitants, and using natural resources efficiently. Ongoing projects include preserving the EU's endangered species; improving air quality, water quality, and waste management; and minimizing harm from chemicals. Follow the website’s posted links to EU environmental laws and environmental agencies, as well as publications, press releases, and statistics. |
URL | http://europa.eu/pol/env/index_en.htm |
[ + ]International Energy Agency (IEA)
Title | International Energy Agency (IEA) |
Description | Founded in 1974, IEA is a network of organizations composed of 30 member countries, 8 association countries, and 4 accession countries working to ensure clean, reliable, affordable energy. IEA focuses on energy security, economic development, environmental awareness, and global engagement. Topics include carbon capture and storage (CCS), clean energy technology, climate change, coal, electricity, energy efficiency, energy poverty, energy security, renewables, natural gas, oil, nuclear, and transport. Additional resources include statistics, reports, comprehensive data tables, infographics, articles, charts, data tables, drafts of international policies, and a glossary of energy terms. |
URL | http://www.iea.org/ |
[ + ]Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Environment
Title | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Environment |
Description | OECD consists of 38 member countries that collaborate to create better policies, with their work addressing environmental problems and sustainably managing natural resources. The organization continuously conducts research and analysis to promote policies to improve the economy and social well-being. Environmental topics include biodiversity, chemical safety, climate change, resource productivity, and environmental policy tools and evaluation. Useful information including reports, data, and videos are searchable by key topic, country, or date. The website also provides the latest environmental news, events, newsletters, and links to OECD social media and blogs. |
URL | http://www.oecd.org/environment/ |
[ + ]Organization of American States: Department of Sustainable Development (DSD)
Title | Organization of American States: Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) |
Description | DSD supports the Organization of American States in the design and implementation of policies, programs, and projects to integrate environmental priorities to further poverty alleviation and socio-economic development goals. The site provides information on projects and initiatives in their program areas, including sustainable energy; environmental law, policy and good governance; risk management and adaptation to climate change; sustainable cities, biodiversity, and sustainable land management; and water resources management. |
URL | http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/ |
[ + ]United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Title | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) |
Description | UNEP sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of sustainable development within the United Nations’ system, and serves as an advocate for the global environment This site includes sections specifically for air; biosafety; chemicals and waste, climate action; disasters and conflicts; ecosystems and biodiversity; education and environment; energy; environment under review; environmental rights and governance; extractives; forests; gender; green economy; oceans and seas; resource efficiency; sustainable development goals; technology; transport; and water. Each section has links to the latest news, publications, and multimedia relating to the corresponding topic. |
URL | http://www.unep.org/ |
[ + ]United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Legal Office (FAO)
Title | United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Legal Office (FAO) |
Description | The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel and legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, publishes legal studies, and maintains a database. The database includes publications, news, reports, conventions, agreements, and codes of conduct. In addition, it links to the legislative database FAOLEX, one of the world’s largest collections of national laws and regulations on food, agriculture, and renewable natural resources. The “Legal Services for Development” section of the FAO website also links to other databases such as FamilyFarmingLex, AQUALEX, and AgroecologyLex. |
URL | http://www.fao.org/legal/home/legal-office/en/ |
[ + ]United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Title | United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) |
Description | IMO is the United Nations’ specialized agency responsible for global standard setting for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships. This site includes: news, conventions and draft amendments, reviews, reports, and speeches. |
URL | https://www.imo.org/en/About/Pages/Default.aspx |
[ + ]United Nations World Health Organization - Department for Environment, Climate Change, and Health (ECH)
Title | United Nations World Health Organization - Department for Environment, Climate Change, and Health (ECH) |
Description | The WHO Department for Environment, Climate Change, and Health (ECH) works to build a healthier environment through health sector leadership, creating systems of political and social support that further the WHO Sustainable Development Goals surrounding environmental threats to health. The team website offers technical information on areas of focus such as air quality and health; chemical safety and health; children’s environmental health; climate change and health; monitoring; and Water Sanitation and Health (WASH). Other features include campaigns, videos, fact sheets, infographics, expressions of interest, and publications. |
URL | https://www.who.int/teams/environment-climate-change-and-health |
[ + ]World Trade Organization (WTO) –Trade and Environment
Title | World Trade Organization (WTO) –Trade and Environment |
Description | The Trade and Environment Committee of the WTO seeks to protect and preserve the environment through trade openness, rules, enforcement mechanisms, and ongoing efforts under the Doha Development Agenda. Users can find environmental background information relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the WTO, negotiations, agreements, proposals, and reports. |
URL | http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/envir_e.htm |