[ + ]American Indian Law Center, Inc.
Title | American Indian Law Center, Inc. |
Description | Established in 1967, the oldest existing Indian-managed and Indian-operated legal and public policy organization in the United States, the American Indian Law Center ("AILC") helps tribal governments and organizations develop and analyze federal Indian policy. AILC runs the Southwest Intertribal Court of Appeals, which provides an appellate court for tribes in New Mexico, Arizona, southern Colorado, and west Texas that do not have a court of appeals for tribal decisions. AILC also provides policy and legal analysis as well as technical assistance to tribes, tribal organizations, and tribal courts. Resources include the Southwest Intertribal Court of Appeals Reporter. |
URL | https://www.ailc-inc.org |
[ + ]Earth Law Center
Title | Earth Law Center |
Description | The Earth Law Center is an organization that focuses on securing legal rights for land, oceans, and rivers. This initiative works to give nature the same rights as humans and gives the Center the ability to be a defense of nature in court. The site includes access to legal initiatives, infographics, relevant laws, speeches and testimony, reports, journals, and amicus briefs. Earth Law Center works with various tribes in pursuit of Indigenous rights and tribal sovereignty, especially with land access and water rights. |
URL | https://www.earthlawcenter.org/ |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: American Indian Environmental Office Tribal Portal
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: American Indian Environmental Office Tribal Portal |
Description | The American Indian Environmental Office leads EPA’s efforts to protect human health and the environment in Indian country by supporting implementation of federal environmental law. AIEO is also the national program manager for the EPA’s Indian Environmental General Assistance Program, the largest of EPA’s tribal grant programs. Resources include links to laws and regulations, information regarding grants and funding, tribal programs, executive orders, reports, newsletters, and EPA Indian Policies. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/tribal/american-indian-environmental-office-aieo |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: Tribal Air and climate Resources
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: Tribal Links
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: Tribal Links |
Description | This site links to EPA-maintained tribal links and the extensive American Indian Environmental Office’s Tribal Portal, developed to assist tribes and the public locate tribal related information from the EPA and other government agencies. Resources include tribal links, environmental programs, laws, regulations and policies, grants and consultation guidelines, as well as tribal partnership groups. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/tribal
https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.epa.gov/iaqtribal/links.html |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency: Tribal Waste Management Program
Title | Environmental Protection Agency: Tribal Waste Management Program |
Description | This program encourages municipal waste and hazardous waste management practices in Indian Country. The website provides RCRA background, technical assistance, trainings, tools, data and resources. The site also offers webinars and information about funding information. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/tribal-lands/tribal-waste-management-program |
[ + ]Indian Law Resource Center: Justice for Indigenous Peoples
Title | Indian Law Resource Center: Justice for Indigenous Peoples |
Description | The Indian Law Resource Center provides legal assistance to Indigenous peoples working to protect their lands, resources, human rights, the environment and cultural heritage. The Law Resource Center has a series of press releases, analysis, and special projects, divided by region, focused on Indigenous people’s rights to use, manage, and steward their land. The Center has links to current news, articles and publications, and information about the Center’s programs and projects. |
URL | http://www.indianlaw.org/ |
[ + ]Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative
Title | Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative |
Description | IFAI provides Tribal governments, producers, and food businesses with educational resources, policy research, and strategic legal analysis, promoting tribally driven solutions to revitalize and advance traditional food systems and diversified economic development throughout Indian Country. Resources include a Model Tribal Food and Agriculture code, Native Food Safety information, Cultivating Tribal Food Sovereignty Resources, etc. |
URL | https://indigenousfoodandag.com/ |
[ + ]Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
Title | Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals |
Description | The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (“ITEP”) connects tribal governments with research and technical resources at Northern Arizona University, in connection with federal, state, and local governments, in support of environmental protection of Native American natural resources. The Institute Provides education and support in the areas of air quality, waste management, environmental compliance, and climate change. The Institute also has a series of newsletters on climate change, Tribal Water Council, and Tribal Air Association updates. Resources include reports, webinars, brochures, conference information, and related websites. |
URL | http://www4.nau.edu/itep/ |
[ + ]Inter-Tribal Environmental Council
Title | Inter-Tribal Environmental Council |
Description | The Inter-Tribal Environmental Council was created to protect the health of Native Americans, their natural resources, and their environment. The Council provides technical training, support, and resources for a variety of environmental disciplines for its member tribes in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico. The Council offers guidance and workshops on The Assessment, Total Maximum Load (TMDL) Tracking and Implementation System (ATTAINS) for assessing Tribal Waterways. The Council provides access to program resources and news related to water quality, clean air, brownfield redevelopment, Superfund, the General Assistance Program, etc. The site also links to member-tribe contact information. |
URL | http://www.itecmembers.org/ |
[ + ]National Indian Law Library
Title | National Indian Law Library |
Description | The National Indian Law Library (“NILL”) was founded in 1972 as an impressive public law library devoted to federal Indian and tribal law. NILL makes accessible a valuable collection of online Indian law resources as well as listings of books. NILL provides (1) research assistance related to specific Indian law questions, (2) Indian law updates via the Indian Law Bulletins, and (3) access to Tribal law via the Tribal Law Gateway. NILL also offers a series of Research Guides, organized by topic, such as “environment & climate change” and “water rights and Indian land,” and a Library Catalog for their book collection. “Tribal Law Gateway” leads to a comprehensive list of Tribal Law materials listed by Tribe. Click on “Indian Law News Bulletins” for links to recent court decisions, regulations, legislation, news, and law reviews impacting Native Americans. |
URL | http://narf.org/nill/ |
[ + ]National NAGPRA Database
Title | National NAGPRA Database |
Description | This resource contains a database with information about the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (“NAGPRA”), which regulates and protects human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony of Indigenous peoples. There is guidance for compliance with NAGPRA, as well as the possible penalties for noncompliance. NAGPRA also provides a list of grants available to museums, Indian Tribes, and Native Hawaiin organizations. NAGPRA has a page dedicated to laws, Regulations, and Guidance. The site lists Policy Databases and Templates and a NAGPRA Glossary. |
URL | http://www.nps.gov/nagpra/ |
[ + ]National Park Service Tribal Preservation Program
Title | National Park Service Tribal Preservation Program |
Description | The Tribal Preservation Program works with tribes and national organizations to preserve and protect resources and cultural traditions through the distribution of federal grants. Resources include grant information, historic preservation laws and regulations, links to programs such as Climate Change, NAGPRA, Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes, Historic Preservation Laws, as well as other related resources. |
URL | http://www.nps.gov/tribes/Tribal_Historic_Preservation_Officers_Program.htm |
[ + ]National Tribal Air Association (NTAA)
Title | National Tribal Air Association (NTAA) |
Description | The National Tribal Air Association (NTAA) works to advance air quality management policies and programs for tribal populations. The site provides links to EPA and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) resources for local tribal regions, and policy resources kits that track federal action on air quality and climate change. |
URL | https://www.ntaatribalair.org |
[ + ]Native American Fish and Wildlife Society
Title | Native American Fish and Wildlife Society |
Description | The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society (“NAFWS”) is a national tribal organization incorporated to develop a national communications network for the exchange of information and management techniques related to self-determined tribal fish and wildlife management. NAFWS works to ensure tribal environmental quality of life and promote effective resource management. Tribes and tribal leadership receive assistance from NAFWS via education resources and newsletters. Special topic areas include News, tribal, natural resources, and conservation law, etc. program resources and initiatives, current projects, and job postings. |
URL | http://www.nafws.org/ |
[ + ]Native American Rights Fund: Protection of Tribal Natural Resources
Title | Native American Rights Fund: Protection of Tribal Natural Resources |
Description | Founded in 1970, the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) provides legal assistance to Indian tribes and organizations and works in critical areas of environmental law such as natural resource protection including native lands, water rights, hunting and fishing rights, and environmental protection. The site includes text of cases, projects and resources, and links directly to the National Indian Law Library. NARF hosts a blog with a variety of categories including environmental protection/climate change, water rights, and native lands. |
URL | https://www.narf.org/our-work/protection-tribal-natural-resources/ |
[ + ]Tribal Court Clearinghouse – Environmental Resources
Title | Tribal Court Clearinghouse – Environmental Resources |
Description | The Environmental Resources section of the Tribal Court Clearinghouse has information to assist tribal governments regulate their resources, manage environmental programs, and develop environmental codes and legislation. The Clearinghouse has links to both general and tribal specific environmental resources, relevant information on tribal law, federal law, state law, organized by topic. This resource includes links to federal agencies dealing with tribal issues, native organizations, institutes, publications, and forums. The site also lists Tribal organizations with environmental pages. |
URL | http://www.tribal-institute.org/lists/environ.htm |
[ + ]U.S. Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs: Water Resources Program
Title | U.S. Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs: Water Resources Program |
Description | The Water Resources Program promotes and supports the conservation and management of tribal water resources. The site links to relevant state (focused on California) and Federal information. The site includes electronic versions of policy memoranda and handbooks. Program and services resources are divided by subject, such as natural resources, transportation, irrigation etc. |
URL | https://www.bia.gov/regional-offices/pacific/central-california-agency/water-resources |
[ + ]University of North Dakota Tribal Environmental Law Project – Northern Plains Indian Law Center (NPILC)
Title | University of North Dakota Tribal Environmental Law Project – Northern Plains Indian Law Center (NPILC) |
Description | “The mission of the Tribal Environmental Law Project is to confront environmental injustice in Indian Country.” The site is designed to provide legal and policy assistance to tribal governments developing environmental programs. NPILC also gives law students the opportunity to work with tribal governments developing environmental programs. The site links to the Northern Plains Indian Law Center, and the Tribal Judicial Institute which includes access to the Tribal Environmental Law Project and the Institute for the Study of Tribal Gaming Law & Policy. |
URL | http://www.law.und.edu/npilc/telp/ |