[ + ]
Title | |
Description | EJSCREEN is an environmental justice mapping and screening tool that provides EPA with a nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental and demographic indicators. EJSCREEN users choose a geographic area; the tool then provides demographic and environmental information for that area. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen |
[ + ]ABA: Environmental Justice
Title | ABA: Environmental Justice |
Description | This American Bar Association (ABA) webpage falls under the Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources. The website serves as a forum for professionals interested in environmental justice in the legal field. Resources include publications, articles, webinar recordings, and links to federal and state resources, such as the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council and Council on Environmental Quality. This section also includes links to various legislation and academic resources. |
URL | https://www.americanbar.org/groups/environment_energy_resources/resources/ej/ |
[ + ]California Energy Commission – Environmental Justice
Title | California Energy Commission – Environmental Justice |
Description | The California Energy Commission (the Commission) is the state’s leading energy policy and planning agency and works to reduce energy costs, usage, and greenhouse gas emissions. The Commission integrates environmental justice into its application analysis for siting power plants and related facilities. Public commenting is open to both English and non-English speakers. Topics include energy efficiency, equity & diversity, renewable energy, energy assessments, and transportation. Resources include Federal laws, guidelines and policies; California laws, guidelines and policies; California Resources Agency EJ policy; public e-commenting links for proceedings, factsheets, reports, maps, surveys, and events. |
URL | https://www.energy.ca.gov/ |
[ + ]Center for Health, Environment & Justice
Title | Center for Health, Environment & Justice |
Description | The Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ) is a grassroots environmental activist organization working to fight environmental health and environmental justice issues that affect communities across the nation. Topics include fracking, superfund, climate change, healthy water, toxic chemicals, etc. Found within “Take Action,” the site includes access to science and technical assistance, workshop training on understanding scientific information, and grassroots leadership training. Additional resources can be found under “News & Resources,” which includes a resource library, information from policy experts, and media releases. |
URL | http://chej.org/ |
[ + ]Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST)
Title | Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) |
Description | CEJST, developed by the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality, provides an interactive map and uses dataset indicators in eight categories: climate change, energy, health, housing, legacy pollution, transportation, water and wastewater, and workforce development, to identify communities experiencing burdens in these areas. |
URL | https://screeningtool.geoplatform.gov/en/about#3/33.47/-97.5 |
[ + ]Coming Clean
Title | Coming Clean |
Description | Coming Clean, founded in 2001, collaborates with grassroot groups to create communities that are free of toxic chemicals. Coming Clean centers its work on environmental justice principles in the following areas: industry practices in agriculture, advocating for safer consumer goods, chemical generating and storage facilities, safe solutions for toxic chemicals, and pesticides in vulnerable communities. Additional resources include news, press releases, reports and websites about energy, chemicals, and climate |
URL | http://www.comingcleaninc.org/ |
[ + ]Communities for a Better Environment
Title | Communities for a Better Environment |
Description | Communities for a Better Environment, founded in 1978, is an organization working to build power in California’s communities of color and low-income communities to achieve environmental health and justice. CBE provides residents with organizational skills, leadership training and legal, scientific and technical assistance to reduce pollution and build green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments. Topics include environmental justice, green economy, clean energy, and climate justice. Resources include reports, factsheets, resource guides, newsletters, events, news, press releases, videos, and the CBE blog. |
URL | https://www.cbecal.org |
[ + ]Deep South Center for Environmental Justice
Title | Deep South Center for Environmental Justice |
Description | The Deep South Center for Environmental Justice (DSCEJ), founded in 1992, is an independent non-profit organization that collaborates with environmental groups and universities within the Southern United States. The Center provides environmental resources, education, and health and safety resources dedicated to addressing climate issues specific to the Southern region. DSCEJ Resources include reports, news, blogs, and events. |
URL | https://www.dscej.org |
[ + ]Department of Agriculture (USDA): Env. Management Div. Response and Restoration
Title | Department of Agriculture (USDA): Env. Management Div. Response and Restoration |
Description | The USDA - Environmental Management Division (EMD) Response and Restoration page is dedicated to Environmental Justice. The site provides links to r programs and topics, such as reporting spills, site cleanup, emergency response, brownfields, land transactions and radiation safety. Additional resources include PDFs for the USDA Environmental Justice Strategic Plan, Environmental Justice Progress Report and USDA policy. |
URL | https://www.dm.usda.gov/emd/responserestoration/EnvironmentalJustice.htm |
[ + ]Department of Agriculture (USDA): Natural Resources Conservation Service
Title | Department of Agriculture (USDA): Natural Resources Conservation Service |
Description | USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides information about its role regarding the section's pursuit of environmental justice (EJ). NRCS provides information about its EJ-centered goals and objectives, such as assisting minority communities and collaborating with state and federal governments to ensure that activities benefit impacted communities. The site provides links to environmental justice tools, USDA’s EJ website, USDA’s EJ Strategic Plan, success stories and executive orders. |
URL | https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/about/justice/ |
[ + ]Department of Energy (DOE): Environmental Justice
Title | Department of Energy (DOE): Environmental Justice |
Description | The DOE, in its Office of Legacy Management, provides an environmental justice program that is committed to maintain the goals of Executive Order 12898. This Executive Order instructed all federal agencies to identify and address environmental harms against low-income and minority communities. The DOE provides information regarding Executive Order 12898, its Environmental Justice Strategy, Environmental Justice Five-Year Implementation Plan and interagency activities and resources. |
URL | https://energy.gov/lm/services/environmental-justice |
[ + ]Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): Environmental Justice
Title | Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): Environmental Justice |
Description | HHS EJ provides links to Climate Change & Health Equity Resources, strategies HHS uses to address environmental justice, progress reports, and cross-federal resources on environmental justice. The site also includes educational tools and maps to educate the general public about toxicology, chemical releases, and more. Additional resources include information on national assessments and global research. |
URL | https://www.hhs.gov/environmental-justice/index.html |
[ + ]Department of Justice: Environmental Justice
Title | Department of Justice: Environmental Justice |
Description | The Department of Justice (DOJ) works toward implementing the goals of Executive Order 12898, issued in 1994, which instructs federal agencies to identify and address environmental effects that have an adverse impact on human health among low-income and minority communities. DOJ uses its authority to fulfill the mandate of Executive Order 12898 through enforcement of environmental and civil rights laws and community engagement. The DOJ site provides links to DOJ’s guidance and insight regarding environmental justice strategies. The site also provides a link to the Environmental Justice Implementation Progress Report, which the public is encouraged to comment on. |
URL | https://www.justice.gov/ej |
[ + ]EJNet: Environmental Justice / Environmental Racism
Title | EJNet: Environmental Justice / Environmental Racism |
Description | Environmental Justice / Environmental Racism is a site maintained and managed by the Energy Justice Network. This site provides links to information and studies about environmental justice. These resources include principles of environmental justice, climate justice principles, general background information, studies documenting environmental racism and classism, environmental justice movement’s struggles with race issues, and U.S. Environmental Justice Law and Policy. |
URL | http://www.ejnet.org/ej/ |
Title | EJSCREEN (EPA) |
Description | EJSCREEN is an environmental justice mapping and screening tool that provides EPA with a nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental and demographic indicators. EJSCREEN users choose a geographic area; the tool then provides demographic and environmental information for that area. EJSCREEN combines 11 environmental indicators and 6 demographic indicators to provide 11 environmental indexes. The EJSCREEN indicators are publicly available data sets. Users must note:
EJSCREEN does not provide data on every environmental impact and demographic indicator that may be relevant to a particular location, and data may be several years old. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen |
[ + ]Environmental Integrity Project
Title | Environmental Integrity Project |
Description | Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) is an organization serving as a watchdog against big polluter industries and advocating environmental law enforcement. EIP works for low-income communities harmed by industries that pollute water sources and air. EIP collaborates with local residents in Baltimore, MD and Houston, TX. Topics include coal ash contamination, trash incinerators, clean energy, and equitable development. EIP resources include reports, news, data resources for environmental justice issues, EPA documents, Center for Environmental Investigations, and Center for Applied Environmental Science. |
URL | http://www.environmentalintegrity.org/what-we-do/environmental-justice/ |
[ + ]Environmental Justice State by State
Title | Environmental Justice State by State |
Description | Environmental Justice State by State is a law library of environmental justice laws, policies, mapping tools, and definitions across the fifty states and territories designed for community advocates, attorneys, scholars, and policymakers. |
URL | https://ejstatebystate.org/ |
[ + ]Environmental Justice: A Research Project
Title | Environmental Justice: A Research Project |
Description | Funded by the European Union and overseen by an international advisory board, this site brings together university researchers and EJ organizations. Among their resources are fact sheets, an EJ atlas, a glossary, and a blog. Searching can be done by keyword or by theme. |
URL | http://www.envjustice.org |
[ + ]Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Environmental Justice
Title | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Environmental Justice |
Description | The EPA’s environmental justice page provides one of the most-cited definitions for “environmental justice.” The site provides users with information about the implementation of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Resources include EJSCREEN, a mapping and screening tool that displays areas affected by environmental injustice. The “Resources for Communities” tab includes various topics, such as air, brownfields, Superfund, renewable energy & energy efficiency, and natural disaster preparedness. Additional resources include links to the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC), environmental justice for Indigenous tribes, EPA’s EJ 2020 Action Agenda for advancing environmental justice, an overview of the environmental justice movement, community voices on environmental justice, and how environmental justice relates to NEPA as well as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. |
URL | https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice |
[ + ]Natural Resources Defense Council - Protecting Communities
Title | Natural Resources Defense Council - Protecting Communities |
Description | The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is a non-profit organization partnered with businesses, partners, and community groups to provide policy solutions. NRDC’s “Protecting Communities” program works to protect the health of low-income communities, preserve the Clean Air Act, encourage climate-resilient communities, and reduce fracking and tar sands hazards. Program resources include articles, issue briefs, factsheets, a blog, and reports. Users can also use the search bar to find resources specific to “environmental justice.” |
URL | https://www.nrdc.org/issues/protecting-communities |
[ + ]New York State Department of Environmental Conservation – Environmental Justice
Title | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation – Environmental Justice |
Description | The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Office Environmental Justice works to address environmental issues and concerns that affect low income and minority populations. The Office provides grant opportunities, consultation, enforcement of environmental laws and regulations, and guidance. Programs include Indian Nation Consultation, green infrastructure, and various initiatives, such as Operation ECO-Quality that focuses on small to mid-size regulated facilities in impacted areas. Resources include news and updates, reports, guidance, and press releases. |
URL | https://www.dec.ny.gov/public/333.html |
[ + ]Sierra Club - Environmental Justice
Title | Sierra Club - Environmental Justice |
Description | Sierra Club is an environmental organization and leader in environmental protection, working to explore the linkages between environmental quality and social justice. Across the United States, through collaboration, Sierra Club has connected and advised grassroots and community organizations to start programs that provide a framework to protect communities from environmental harms and discrimination. This site provides information regarding Sierra Club’s regional campaigns, history of the program, and environmental justice in the Clean Power Plan. Topics include air, toxins, and water. Additional resources include a list of environmental justice networks & organizations, state & federal environmental justice offices, and links to environmental justice publications. |
URL | http://www.sierraclub.org/environmental-justice |
[ + ]WE ACT for Environmental Justice
Title | WE ACT for Environmental Justice |
Description | WE ACT is an organization located in Washington D.C. and New York City working to combat environmental racism and empower low-income and people of color to build healthy communities for all. Topics include climate justice, clean air, sustainable and equitable land use, and healthy homes. Resources include news, events, press releases, newsletter, blog, and a Resources and Reports page containing 30 years of WE ACT publications. These publications include reports and research involving environmental justice organizations, advancing the environmental justice movement, and studies discussing pollutants that are harmful to communities. |
URL | https://www.weact.org/ |