[ + ]Conservation Law Foundation (CLF)
Title | Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) |
Description | CLF serves New England as one of the oldest and largest regional environmental advocacy organizations in the United States. The organization uses extensive local knowledge, legal strategy, and policy expertise to work toward a clean energy future, counter climate change, and safeguard communities in New England. CLF focuses on climate change; ocean conservation; clean air and water; people and justice; and healthy communities. The site provides in-depth descriptions of CLF’s work, news, a blog, and fact sheets on a variety of environmental issues. |
URL | http://www.clf.org/ |
[ + ]Lake Champlain Basin Program
Title | Lake Champlain Basin Program |
Description | The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) is a partnership among individuals, local communities, private organizations, and government agencies from New York, Vermont, and Quebec. LCBP aims to restore and protect Lake Champlain and its watershed. The site includes helpful information related to the program: links to publications; a basin atlas; data and monitoring sources; and other information about human health, natural resources, water quality, and recreation. |
URL | http://www.lcbp.org |
[ + ]Northeast Organic Farming Association – Vermont
Title | Northeast Organic Farming Association – Vermont |
Description | Founded in 1971, NOFA is one of the oldest organic farming associations in the U.S. NOFA promotes organic practices to build an economically viable, ecologically sound, and socially just Vermont food system. The site’s main sections include information about growing, marketing, and finding organic food. The site also provides an events calendar for regional agricultural-related events and other resources, including a quarterly newsletter, fact sheets, and links to other websites. There are specific services and resources available for farmers, consumers, farmers market partners, gardeners, and educators. |
URL | http://www.nofavt.org/index.php |
[ + ]Northern Forest Center
Title | Northern Forest Center |
Description | The Northern Forest Center advocates for the Northern Forest region through economic and conservation initiatives. The Center invests in people and communities across Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York to secure regional prosperity and a resilient landscape. The site includes maps and statistics about the Northern Forest, along with information and news about its current projects by region. |
URL | http://www.northernforest.org |
[ + ]Upper Valley Land Trust
Title | Upper Valley Land Trust |
Description | The Upper Valley Land Trust works to protect working farms, forested ridges, wildlife habitats, water resources, trails, and scenic landscapes in the Upper Valley region of the Connecticut River. Users can find information about land conservation, including landowner stories, conservation tools, and guidance regarding public access trails, campsites, river access, and recreation. |
URL | http://www.uvlt.org/ |
[ + ]Vermont Land Trust (VLT)
Title | Vermont Land Trust (VLT) |
Description | The Vermont Land Trust (VLT) is a nonprofit conservation organization that has preserved over 1,950 parcels of land, covering more than 590,000 acres—about 11% of Vermont. VLT focuses on protecting working farms, forests, community lands, and associated natural systems. The website includes news, videos, maps, newsletters, reports, and accessible summaries explaining how conservation easements work. |
URL | http://www.vlt.org/ |
[ + ]Vermont Natural Resources Board (NRB)
Title | Vermont Natural Resources Board (NRB) |
Description | The Vermont Natural Resources Board (NRB) is an independent Executive Branch entity overseeing the administration of Vermont Act 250, Vermont’s land use statute. Act 250 aims to minimize the environmental impacts of development. The NRB issues and enforces rules and policies related to and enforcing Act 250and provides resources about its purpose, history and permit application process. |
URL | http://www.nrb.state.vt.us/ |
[ + ]Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC)
Title | Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) |
Description | VNRC is a Vermont-based environmental non-profit advocacy organization focused on clean energy and climate action; toxic-free environment; healthy forests and wildlife; clean water; and smart growth. VNRC maintains a daily presence at the Vermont State House. Under “Resources,” users can find: a community planning toolbox; Vermont Environmental Reports; smart growth resources; news and stories; and research and publications. |
URL | https://vnrc.org/ |
[ + ]Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG)
Title | Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) |
Description | VPIRG is an environmental advocacy organization that promotes the health of Vermont's environment, people, and local economy. The site contains information related to VPIRG’s major issues: consumer protection; climate and energy; democracy; healthcare; environmental health; racial justice; and zero waste living. The site links to relevant resources including studies and news. |
URL | http://www.vpirg.org/ |